How hot is Colombia in the Summer?
Colombia’s near-equatorial climate means that the country has very little seasons, meaning there is not a huge difference between summer in Colombia and winter in Colombia, and its climate really depends on the altitude of the city. The difference between the climate in Cartagena and the climate in Bogota differs vastly. Cartagena employs a tropical climate around 30 degrees celsius or more all-year round while Bogota’s pre-Andean biome experiences cooler air at an average of 15-20 degrees celsius.
Colombia has the advantage of being a prime visiting destination all year round, but the summer months are when the country’s festival seasons and the special events come to bring Colombia to the limelight. The awesome beaches and waterfalls explode with activity and the time ripe to meet and befriend the hospitable locals.
What months are Summer in Colombia?
While Colombia is not categorized by seasons, Summer would usually be during May to August. These ‘seasons’ are mostly punctuated by how dry or how wet the area is, and these are only determined by altitude and topography, rather than hemispheric identifiers.
What are the hottest months in Colombia?
While this depends on the altitude and topography of the area you want to visit, the hottest months in general terms would be between June to early August.
Hotels in Colombia during the Summer
Colombia’s prime year round climate gives leeway for Colombia to have multiple high seasons a year. During the summer, Mid-June to July would be the typical peak season for tourism, so it is recommended in advance if you are booking then. If you are booking for the advent of summer, It is good to book when you feel comfortable. Colombia is a huge country with a still burgeoning tourism sector, so there is no real shortage of locations to book!
Weather in Colombia in the Summer
Colombia is a jewel of diverse ecosystems. From tropical rainforests, savannahs, steppes, deserts and mountains, there is much to see and even more to experience. With the diversity of locations come the diversity of the climate.
In the Southeast of the country, you will find the rainforest climate of the Amazon to be muggy, warm, teeming with life as well as periodically raining. In the North and the East of the country you will find a savanna climate with grassland and sparse vegetation. You will find this biome hot, but adventurous, with opportunities for shade. In the interior, you will find steppe regions with mild climate and a feeling of sparse vastness. In the Northeastern tip of the country, you will surprisingly find a desert-like climate which will be hot and dry. With all of these said, each area in Colombia has a different culture that surrounds these different climates, and you will be sure to have a rich experience in every part of the country that you go.
Festival Season
Summer is a prime time for festivals. With Independence Day that lines the streets with parades and street events, to the Flower Festival which lines the entire city of Medellin with flowers. Those and everything in between will create a fun and festive atmosphere for you and your family.
Best time to visit Colombia: Jan • Feb • Mar • Apr • May • Jun • Jul • Aug • Sep • Oct • Nov • Dec